Bjuröklubb's harbor is at risk of demolition

Västerbottens Kuriren has written about Bjuröklubb's harbor warehouse and harbor being at risk of demolition despite protests from Arena Bjuröklubb and others. Read the article here, or download it here.

Bjuröklubb's harbor warehouse and harbor are irreplaceable characteristics of the industrial cultural development at Bjuröklubb. The area has been used by man for a very long time, everything from fishing and seal hunting, which Olaus Magnus recorded 500 years ago, to lighthouses and pilotage that created safer transport of Norrland's export goods and port operations until the end of the 20th century. The pilotage celebrated 200 years in 2021 and since the beginning of the 20th century the sea report has reported the weather daily. Now large parts of Bjuröklubb are a very well-visited nature reserve and many want to celebrate the highlights of life in the area and enjoy cultural events. Arena Bjuröklubb has for many years worked to ensure that the harbor is secured for future visitors and that the harbor warehouse is renovated as a simple gathering place, so people can continue to enjoy cultural offerings and their own highlights in life in this unique industrial and cultural place by the Gulf of Bothnia. Arena Bjuröklubb wants to continue to preserve, use and enrich Bjuröklubb and the renovation of the harbor and warehouse provides the basis for continued development of Skellefteå municipality's southern coastal areas for the enjoyment and use of both nature and cultural resources.

/ Solveig Larsson, chairman Arena Bjuröklubb  

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